Why do I need ASP ?
Airline Selection Program (ASP) helps you prepare for airline selections with a set of world class eLearning courses having one common objective : your success.
The Advanced Interview Course (AIC) focuses on the key competencies recruiters are looking for along the whole process, and teaches you decision models, workload management models and intervention models experienced pilots use. It then teaches you how to handle the group and final interview, whether they are advanced, classic, or hybrid. Finally, you are invited to answer a professional personality questionnaire for which you will get a personal debrief. The knowledge and self awareness you will get from this course will make you shine at any airline selection and have well structured answers in all situations.
Why do you need ASP ? Because without this knowledge, attending airline selections is very difficult and stressful, leaving, in our opinion, too much of it to the unknown.
The Sim Preparation Course (SPC) focuses on the sim assessment, teaching you handling, basics and advanced for the B737 and A320, using our flagship technique : “the 5 key pitch settings”. But that’s just half of one of the 12 modules of this course. You’ll find further tips on handling, spatial orientation and airline procedures the recruiter will expect you to know, but that most pilots haven’t had time to learn in enough detail during MCC. SPC is also eLearning and drastically improves candidates’ Situational Awareness and overall performance in the sim. It’s a great course you could sit before selection, or before a preparation sim.
The CV and Cover Letter course provides you templates for your Cv and Cover letter so you can write your own, or get one of our specialists to review your CV and write your Cover Letter for an additional fee after you’ve sat the course. A clean CV and compelling cover letter are key to getting invited as recruiters don’t feel comfortable investing their time in candidates who didn’t spend enough of theirs on their CV and Cover letter.
Finally, our English Proficiency Course (EPC) is there to help you pass your FCL.055 exam or Toeic, or simply to get you to become more fluent. Again eLearning, it has the option of practice exams and personal lessons if needed. Remember English is the no1 reason why non english natives fail airline selections. This cost effective course will go a long way in helping you raise your level for your airline selection.
In short ASP’s eLearning courses will bring you the knowledge and skills you need to be at your best and will dramatically increase your chances of success at any airline selection.
Where do I start with ASP?
We recommend the Advanced Interview Course (AIC) and Sim Preparation Course (SPC) as the Minimum Equipment List for your selection.
If there’s no sim involved at your selection (yes, it happens, for cadets in particular), then all you need is AIC.
You can add to AIC and SPC the CV and Cover Letter Course (CVL), and English Proficiency Course (EPC), depending on your needs.
You can get each course independently or as a package.
The All you need package includes :
The All you need + English package includes :
What is the difference between the Advanced Interview Course (AIC) and the Sim Preparation Course (SPC) ?
The Advanced Interview Course is our flagship course. It is a must for any pilot going for any selection where an interview will take place. AIC works at any experience level from a Cadet looking for their first job, to a Captain making a change of airline.
The Sim Preparation Course is our most recent course. It focuses on the Sim part of the assessment. The 5 Key Pitch Settings, The Pitch Speed VS triangle, Orientation techniques, Energy Management, Stabilisation criteria, Discontinued approach concept, Safety Window concept, Intervention models, common scenarios for easy decision making.
Whilst both AIC and SPC share a common module around decision making, they are very different. To pass a selection where an interview is required, you need AIC. To pass a selection where a sim is required, you need SPC. To pass a selection where both are required, you need both AIC and SPC.
How are ASP courses different from others available on the internet and from ATOs?
ASP was created by a major airline recruiter, not just a line pilot or human resource specialist.
As a result, the courses are very advanced, bringing together human factors and flying in a unique combination that will help you better understand the recruitment process, revisit the way you view your career and present yourself.
The courses build your strength from the application stage to the group and final interview stage, to the sim assessment stage. Whilst each course performs very well on its own, achieves and exceeds its given objective, all courses taken together make for a full ecosystem that can’t be found anywhere else.
Indeed, no course offering in the worlds has this level of breadth and depth.
As a result, the success rate of our students is very high. More than 75% of the students are successful at their first selection after the course vs an industry average of 25%.
How long ahead of my first selection should I start preparing with ASP?
In general it takes a week to digest the content of the Advanced Interview Course and Sim Preparation Course.
If your selection is less than a week away, please contact us before purchasing the Advanced Interview Course or Sim Preparation Course.
Else, it’s a good idea to start your preparation several weeks in advance, if not several months. We hope that’s what you’ve done.
If not, you have to invest in your future without delay. Our courses will help you do that and apply your energy in the right direction.
If you just got out of flight school and have a few months ahead of you, don’t leave it to the last minute. This is the most common mistake we see. The more time you take to study our courses, the more knowledge depth you’ll get approaching your selection.
After investing a large amount of money in your flight training, make the best of it by building the additional skills needed to be successful at your first selection.
And remember, recruitment skills are needed throughout your whole career. You’ll need to hone them for your first selection of course, but this likely won’t be your last one. You’ll sit interviews internally as you apply to become instructor, for your upgrade or get a management job. And of course, you may elect to change airlines and once again, mastering recruitment will make a big difference in your career over time.
Our courses are an investment. If you’re in rush, make the investment now. If you just got out of school and have time, invest now and reap the benefits tomorrow.
Will I be able to ask my questions with your eLearning Courses ?
In short, yes.
Questions are rare to be honest, but if you do have one, there are multiple ways to get them answered:
There is a course discussion feature attached to every module.
You can also elect to ask your question to the community.
If your issue is pressing and personal, you can contact us by chat, on Whatsapp or by email. We will always respond, and if need be, organise a call.
Furthermore, all of our courses provides the option of a personal interaction. AIC has this by default as part of the personality questionnaire debrief. The other courses have optional personal sessions : A sim session for SPC, A Cover letter writing service for CV and Cover Letter Course, and a practice FCL.055 exam for the English Proficiency Course.
In any case, if you have questions, we will make sure you get them answered.
How are ASP courses different from others available on the internet and from ATOs?
ASP was created by a major airline recruiter, not just a line pilot or human resource specialist.
As a result, the courses are very advanced, bringing together human factors and flying in a unique combination that will help you better understand the recruitment process, revisit the way you view your career and present yourself.
The courses build your strength from the application stage to the group and final interview stage, to the sim assessment stage. Whilst each course performs very well on its own, achieves and exceeds its given objective, all courses taken together make for a full ecosystem that can’t be found anywhere else.
Indeed, no course offering in the world has this level of breadth and depth.
As a result, the success rate of our students is very high. More than 75% of the students are successful at their first selection after the course vs an industry average of 25%.
Can I get a personal practice interview after AIC ?
Details of how to schedule this are available at the end of AIC.
It will be a formal interview done on zoom, aimed at seeing if your overall performance and choice of examples are at the expected level for you to get hired.
It is common that candidates, even experienced, select inadequate examples, or lower their guard towards the end of the interview, make too long of an introduction or make the recruitment exercise overly difficult for the recruiter.
Whilst such a combination is rare after attending AIC, the personal interview will give us the opportunity to find out and bring in adequate adjustments.
Very effective.
What is the 16PF and why do I need it ?
The 16 PF or “16 Personality Factors” is a renowned personality questionnaire used by major airlines and large organisations for the purpose of recruitment and internal mobility.
16 PF has been in place for 70 years and has been constantly modernised. It is simple to administer, yet very precise.
We are a fully licensed 16PF provider. We purchase the 16PF questionnaire directly from them and administer it for you as part of AIC.
We then debrief the results with an open discussion aiming at getting precise indications of the questions most likely to be asked to the candidate during their final interview. Results are very impressive for a majority of candidates.
Knowledge of oneself is key to success and knowing what the report brings out from your answers is a real plus as you approach selections.
The 16 PF holds 160 behavioural questions, 15 reasoning questions and takes 40 minutes to complete.